This past weekend KJ held a Zumba for the cure. And it was a SMASHING Success. She not only got to shake her girls for a good cause... she got others to do it as well. In fact, this young man got so into it that he just completely got undressed. (If you are a guy is it still shaking your girls??? Would it be shaking the boys??? What?? Oh that's not right. So shaking the boys means.... Oh my bad! Bygones!) SO... KJ (the girl in the picture) raised $622. WOW! That is like a dollar for every sweat morsel that was left on the floor after the event. That's like five dollars for every cha-cha shake. Unbelievable!! We are so very proud!
BUT we are not done!!! WE need $6278.00 still. And yes, that seems a lot like the national debt. But it's not. And it's not like we are asking for money to build a bridge or to support a study on why ducks fly. We are asking to help us help everyone. We need to stop the stupidness. And that is what Breast Cancer is. IT IS STUPID!! How dare it attack our family, friends, and our own bodies without cause or provocation!! I, and my girls (that would be my breasts and my peeps) will walk and crew in the rain, sun, snow, and sleet (it is summer in Minnesota) until a cure is found... WHAT are you willing to do?? What are you willing to sacrifice for the girls?? One dollar? Two dollars?? Your summer?? Your tears??Your heart?? Help us fight like girls for the sake of the girls... Donate to the cause. Donate just because.
Thank you to all the beautiful women that came out to shake their boo-tay's for a great cause!! Yes, that is a picture of Mr. Zumba aka Beto and no, he was not at the event but the memory of his abs was with me the whole day!