Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Christmas Present to You!

Okay, you know you are hard to buy for. I KNOW you are hard to buy for. So this year I bring you the 2nd BEST present EVER!! Yes, I bring you men in speedos. You can look and thank me later. What's that?? What should you give me??? Well, now that you ask.... could you donate $10 to the Susan Komen Breast Cancer Solution. Yes, solution, not a cure, but a solution. And at $10, this will be the cheapest gift you give, but it will be the best gift you will ever give, effecting millions and millions of people. Let's not, between you and me, ever have another holiday where a person is sitting around the tree sick or a person is not sitting around the tree at all. And, yes, thank you, thank you, thank you. This is me hugging you for the best gift ever under the tree. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas. We will beat this you know, I have faith!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Story About a Thong

Every year the great participants of the Twin Cites Breast Cancer Walk dress up. Some wear mementos from their loved ones, some lost, some suffering, and some who have survived. They dress to show the reason they are there. Others dress a little more outlandish. Some in tu-tus, most in bras, and we have even seen some in cow utters. But of all the outfits we have ever seen the thong girl was the one who sticks in our mind. During our last opening ceremonies, as we stood in the rain getting ready to begin a new journey.... a woman who thought her tights were not see-thru bent over in front of us. And that is how we saw the thong. Which brought up the question... is that really going to be the proper attire for a 21.6 mile walk?? We work out everyday. KJ does Zumba. Cheri is a Y rat. Brenda works out 1.5 hrs every night at her home. Never have we thought of wearing a thong, never. One reason is that they creep and another is because they really are not that comfortable, really. Which brings us to the point. This woman was really suffering for the cause and should have been commended right then and there for not only walking but sacrificing her... her... well her beauty cheeks. That is a true wonder woman. And we would like to THANK YOU for your determination, but really not for the sight though.

This year we are hoping to also walk. Please help us by donating $1 to our cause. We promise not to wear a thong. And if we do.. we promise not to show it!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Give a Hey-Yo!! KJ in the House!!

This past weekend KJ held a Zumba for the cure. And it was a SMASHING Success. She not only got to shake her girls for a good cause... she got others to do it as well. In fact, this young man got so into it that he just completely got undressed. (If you are a guy is it still shaking your girls??? Would it be shaking the boys??? What?? Oh that's not right. So shaking the boys means.... Oh my bad! Bygones!) SO... KJ (the girl in the picture) raised $622. WOW! That is like a dollar for every sweat morsel that was left on the floor after the event. That's like five dollars for every cha-cha shake. Unbelievable!! We are so very proud!

BUT we are not done!!! WE need $6278.00 still. And yes, that seems a lot like the national debt. But it's not. And it's not like we are asking for money to build a bridge or to support a study on why ducks fly. We are asking to help us help everyone. We need to stop the stupidness. And that is what Breast Cancer is. IT IS STUPID!! How dare it attack our family, friends, and our own bodies without cause or provocation!! I, and my girls (that would be my breasts and my peeps) will walk and crew in the rain, sun, snow, and sleet (it is summer in Minnesota) until a cure is found... WHAT are you willing to do?? What are you willing to sacrifice for the girls?? One dollar? Two dollars?? Your summer?? Your tears??Your heart?? Help us fight like girls for the sake of the girls... Donate to the cause. Donate just because.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fight Like a Girl!!

Everyday we fight. Some fight for justice, some fight for what they think is due to them, and some fight because we really do not know any other way. What do doctors call it "fight or flight". Well, I do not know how to back down... and though I am the first to admit that that is not always a great attribute, I am also the first standing there with my fists up daring you to fight like a girl! Which by the way is one of the breast cancer's slogans, "We dare you to fight like a girl!". But what does that really mean? Fight like a girl? Does that mean we pull hair and slap each other in a inflatable pool full of jello?? No it means that we, as women, fight heart, soul, and mind. It means that once you cross the line, we will be on you like stink on pigflu, and we will be there until you say uncle or just go away, and sometimes both.

My husband complained today that he (he's a truck driver by the way) had to load his trailer in the rain and how hard that was. I told him he was a wuss. He then asked when the last time I worked in the pouring rain. I told him it was during the 2009 Twin Cites Breast Camp. I, and my girls, stood in the rain and cheered 2400 walkers on. Each wearing a picture of their loved one. Each getting soaked from head to toe. But you know what?? I don't think any of us felt it, because we were there for one purpose to show people how to fight like girls. We were there to accomplish what many of us thought we could never accomplish. I mean 60 miles in 3 days?? Pa-shaw! But that's women for you. Never listening. As people told us we could never make it. That we could never raise the money. That breast cancer could never be cured. To those people I would like to point out history to them. Never tell a woman that she cannot do something... 'cause not only will we do it, we will rub your face in it!! Yeah... Pa-shaw me why don't you! I double- dog dare you to say that to my face! I triple dog you to donate! Help us girls show cancer who the real boss is!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Zumba for the Cure

Come shake your ta-tas and Zumba for the CURE!! In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Zumba Instructors from Gold Medal Fitness have a special day planned.

Friends and family will enjoy some serious booty shakin', prizes and breakfast!!

Be a HERO and DANCE because everyone deserves a lifetime!!!

All proceeds go to the Susan G Komen 3-Day for the Cure.

Sunday, October 25, 2009/ 9:30-11:00am/ 477 North Avenue, Garwood, NJ

Can't make it to New Jersey.... or just afraid of the rumors, then just donate to the links on the side. We need to raise $6300 so that we can walk the 2010 Twin Cites Walk. Help us be a hero by being a hero!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Last is the New First

Let me tell you a story about how this thing goes. Twenty-three hundred people walk 60 miles. Each for their own reasons. Each carry with them the flame of a loved one either passed, suffering, or not yet diagnosed. They walk because... because they can, because they will, because they have to! And you may ask "what if I am not physically fit and can not walk all 60 miles... what if I come in last, will I be laughed at and made the fool?". And I will respond... "you have never been here have you!". Are there physically fit people on this walk, yes. Are there people who can do this walk without even breaking a sweat in what seems like 10 minutes, yes. But those people are not the only ones we praise.

Meet this man, we will call him Mr. Super. In 2006, his mother died from breast cancer. He wanted to do something to honor her. He was going to do the walk last year, but was not able to raise the money, but he did this year. And the first day he walked 21.2 miles. He walked from opening ceremony in Edina at the Southdale Mall to camp in Maplewood. Was he first??? No, he was number 2300. He was dead last, only being followed by the caboose (a staff person on a bike to make sure the last walker comes in safely). Mr. Super was tired and so very sad, he was crying. He thought by coming in last he had let himself down and most of all his mother. He had walked 21.2 miles and as he walked into camp the last one, he walked in with a broken heart. AND then the music was cranked up and the other walkers started cheering, clapping, whooping, and following him... as he was led through the dinner tent (to a standing ovation) to put up the flag of HOPE. Walkers who had barely been able to walk into the hall, but had made it before him, dropped everything to stand and cheer the last walker, this walker who with all the love, courage, and desire made the first 21.2 miles. Because in curing breast cancer there will be no one left behind. The first person cured was wonderful... but the last person cured, when we end this disease, well.... that is when we will celebrate!! That is when we will all stand up and give that person a standing ovation. Thank you Mr. Super man for walking for you mom, for my mom, for everyone's mom. You not only made our heart burst with pride that day, you proved that everyone can make a difference in this fight. This is a fight for life. I dare you to help us fight like girls!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Boobs... Where Life Begins???

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Well That Explains It Then

Birdy came home from school the other day excited that one of her friends was going to have a baby brother by C-section in a few weeks. George wanted to know what a C-section was. My sister delicately explained to her nine-year old son that a C-section is when they have to cut a mommy's tummy to get the baby out that way. She went on to explain that George had been delivered by C-section.

"But not me!" Birdy exclaimed.

"How did Birdy get out of your tummy?" asked a very curious George.

My sister pondered and thought of how to as delicately explain that process especially considering they were all at the dinner table and was proud of herself when she answered with, "Well, babies usually come out of a mommy's girl parts."

George looked quizzically at my sister and then asked in complete bewilderment, "Babies come out of your boobs?"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Let Me Tell you Something!

This will be the third year that we will head to breast camp to make a difference in the only way we know how. The first year, it was Cheri and Brenda. We thought "Hey, we are going down to tropical MN, how cold could it be at night??". So two people who have never (and please read that as NEVER) gone camping pack these little bags for two nights of under the stars living in little pink tents. And why do you say little bags??? Because according to the Crew Guide (or the Liars Guide) your luggage was only supposed to weigh 35 pounds and this included all your clothes and sleeping bag. So we thought "Hey since there is no way we can pack clothes and a sleeping bag, lets just use air mattresses and blankets!". So, yeah, we froze to death. Brenda wanted to spoon, Cheri just kept putting on more clothes... some of them were not even hers. And if you think either of us got up to pee in the middle of the night in a disgusting port-a-potty that we could have fallen into, well we weren't that crazy... we just rolled over a little and peed in each other's space. Okay, Cheri peed on Brenda who really wasn't that mad because it was warm and thawed out her toes for a couple of moments (just kidding).

Second year, we said good-bye tot he 35 pound rule and packed like we were going to the arctic. We bought special sleeping bags, parkas, and those warming pouches you break and put in your socks. Brenda even scouted for wood in case we need to build a fire. We had never been so warm. But then of course there is the whole earplug lesson.... but that's for another time. Only 332 days until the Twin Cities Crew Day... I'll see you there right?!?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Introductions are in Order

I am Cheri Wright, the oldest daughter, my sister is KJ Bryant (who this group is named for), the youngest daughter (there is only two of us) and my mother is Brenda Smith... often the comic relief.

Welcome to our journey. We are signed up to crew for the Twin Cities in 2010. This will by our 3rd year. And I can tell you from the bottom of my heart is that this is the hardest weekend of our lives. It is not just sleeping in a tent, it is not just eating crap food and using port-a-potties to get rid of the rented food, it is the stories... it is the faces... it is the unbelievable love that engulfs you for 3 days!!!

The use of this blog is to chronicle our journey to next year, to share our stories, and possibly convince you to donate so that instead of crewing we can walk. Yes, we are certifiable. But we want to walk 60 miles to save a persons life. In fact since there is three of us, we want to save three lives. So here we go... and thanks for coming along!!