Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fight Like a Girl!!

Everyday we fight. Some fight for justice, some fight for what they think is due to them, and some fight because we really do not know any other way. What do doctors call it "fight or flight". Well, I do not know how to back down... and though I am the first to admit that that is not always a great attribute, I am also the first standing there with my fists up daring you to fight like a girl! Which by the way is one of the breast cancer's slogans, "We dare you to fight like a girl!". But what does that really mean? Fight like a girl? Does that mean we pull hair and slap each other in a inflatable pool full of jello?? No it means that we, as women, fight heart, soul, and mind. It means that once you cross the line, we will be on you like stink on pigflu, and we will be there until you say uncle or just go away, and sometimes both.

My husband complained today that he (he's a truck driver by the way) had to load his trailer in the rain and how hard that was. I told him he was a wuss. He then asked when the last time I worked in the pouring rain. I told him it was during the 2009 Twin Cites Breast Camp. I, and my girls, stood in the rain and cheered 2400 walkers on. Each wearing a picture of their loved one. Each getting soaked from head to toe. But you know what?? I don't think any of us felt it, because we were there for one purpose to show people how to fight like girls. We were there to accomplish what many of us thought we could never accomplish. I mean 60 miles in 3 days?? Pa-shaw! But that's women for you. Never listening. As people told us we could never make it. That we could never raise the money. That breast cancer could never be cured. To those people I would like to point out history to them. Never tell a woman that she cannot do something... 'cause not only will we do it, we will rub your face in it!! Yeah... Pa-shaw me why don't you! I double- dog dare you to say that to my face! I triple dog you to donate! Help us girls show cancer who the real boss is!!

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